How much of my time will The Fat Gladiator Investment Club take up?

The club meets for 90 minutes a month and attempts to present one world-class investment idea at each meeting. Naturally, our members are time-challenged, so we aim to maximise returns without taking up too much of your valuable time.

From where do the clubs ideas originate?

Investment ideas are generated from the Fat Gladiator team, club members or specially invited external speakers, such as world subject authorities or company management teams.

You talk a lot about the power of collective intelligence and the network. Am I expected to come up with ideas?

Not at all. Members who wish to suggest ideas for investment screening are welcome to do. But it is in no way a requirement of membership.

Do you have a fund in which I can invest?

The simple answer is no. The club prides itself on offering entirely impartial advice and not trying to sell anything.

Will the club keep me informed on the investments post the meeting?

The club will keep you effortlessly informed on important events around the recommendations in our universe.

Do I need to do my own work?

This is entirely down to individual preference.